Individual emails have been sent out that invite people to Open Enrollment Meetings that we will be having next week. Benefit plan changes will take effect October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024.
We will have an increase of 7% in the premium for our medical plan and all others will remain the same. While we realize the increase is just one of many expense increases people are seeing in their daily lives, we can tell you our rates continue to be better than average – our premium increase is at least half of what others are seeing. We will continue the cash clinic option for all full time employees (i.e. benefits eligible) that will start January 1. This benefit will reimburse up to $120 during 2024 for cash clinic expenses. This will be covered in more detail in the open enrollment meetings.
If you are a full time employee, or part time and working an average of over 20 hours per week (required to qualify so voluntary benefits), you will receive an individual letter reminding you of the meeting and your options. If you expected an email but did not get one by Monday, September 11 please check with Melissa.