October Frontline Employee & EAP Topic

See below for the October issue of the Frontline Employee newsletter, offering information on wellness and productivity at work! Then, read October’s EAP topic: Developing a Low-Stress Work Style.




Many of the strategies for managing personal life stressors can also be effective in managing stress at work.  Adopting a “low-stress work style” first involves identifying those situations, people or issues that cause us the internal anxiety we know as stress.  Once identified, we can determine what will make us comfortable in coping with those situations, people or issues and then take those steps.  A short “time-out” away from a difficult situation can also help.  Finally, choosing new ways of communicating our needs and concerns to others can also reduce our workplace stress.

If you would like to learn more about how you can develop a low-stress work style, consider calling the Employee Assistance Program at 608-775-4780 or 1-800-327-9991.  Family & Children’s Center provides EAP as a free, confidential employee benefit.  You may also check out the EAP web site at www.gundersenhealth.org/eap.

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