Jackson County Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Health Division, in partnership with UW Madison Extension, will be presenting a free, virtual Mental Health First Aid training. |
05/19/2021 9:00 am-3:30 pm |
This training is free, but requires advanced registration. All staff are required to take Mental Health First Aid training and this is the first training that has been available in the community in the past year. If you have not yet taken MHFA or would like a refresher, please take advantage of this free training and register today! |
You may register by calling 715-284-4301 ext. 312 or by emailing bhreferrals@co.jackson.wi.us. |
Please include your first and last name, phone number, email address, and that you plan to attend the Mental Health First Aid training. |
Vanessa Southworth will be presenting an in-person Mental Health First Aid training at our GVC location, date and time TBD. This training will most likely be the first Friday in June. Please email Jen Eads at jeads@fccnetwork.org to be added to the roster! |