Goin’ Live with Nextiva!๐Ÿ“ž


The time has come! Our new phone system will be implemented the week of January 29th!

FiveStar will be coming to each location to assist with setting up devices and training employees on the new system. Please see below the dates that FiveStar will be coming to your location:


Monday, January 29th – starting at 9:00 am: GVC

Tuesday, January 30th: Winona Locations

Wednesday, January 31st: Viroqua

Thursday, February 1st: Black River Falls and Weston Facility

Friday, February 2nd: all locations should be all set up. This day will allow the team to help with anything that may come up during the installation process.

Anyone who has an extension or will be receiving an extension, should have already received an email from Nextiva to activate your account. If you did not receive that or need a new link sent to you, please email Whitney at wwinkers@fccnetwork.org.

A few important notes:

  • Texting and Video Conferencing will be available through Nextiva.
    • Until the procedure for texting has been completed and acknowledged, texting will not be available for use.
    • Please note – texting can be turned off for individual users at anytime.
  • The FiveStar team will be coming in and helping with setup and training as needed. In the meantime, please view the following resources to prepare for the transition. These resources will also be available on the Depot under the Resources tab.
  • If you currently have an extension through Wildix, that extension will move with you to Nextiva.
  • If you’re using your own personal device (through the NextivaOne app), you will still receive the $10 phone stipend.

We know this is a very exciting transition, but we understand you may have questions along the way. If you have any questions or need assistance leading up to implementation, please do not hesitate to reach out to Whitney.