In an effort to help curb the recent increase in cases involving COVID as well as variants, all agency locations will require masks to be worn in public areas of the agency, such as hallways, conference rooms (except when social distancing is possible) and bathrooms. This will apply whether an individual has been vaccinated or not. In addition, masking will be required unless an employee is in a private space or personal office. Social distancing should also be observed when possible.
This requirement will begin tomorrow, Wednesday, August 11. We will continue with existing cleaning and disinfecting requirements, including asking people leaving conference rooms to disinfect before leaving. As before, you should continue to follow proper handwashing requirements, use the disinfectant posted at various agency locations and always escort visitors who are in an agency building.
Our facilities will remain locked along with the masking and cleaning requirements, and while no one knows how long this requirement may be needed, we will continue to monitor conditions and adjust as needed. As always, your help and support of COVID requirements is greatly appreciated.