It has been over a month since the last post of our reopening plan on September 21st, so this is a good time to refresh you on some of its key points. We all hear and read about a growing number of cases, and while there may be some promising news for vaccines, there have not been changes to the plan for nearly two months. With that in mind here are a couple reminders for you:
A very common topic lately has been clarifying when somebody has been exposed, and the definition in the plan is still a good one.
Throughout this document, references to exposure occur. The following definition should be utilized. Staff and/or clients exposure shall refer to situations wherein the following three items occur.
- Staff and/or clients did not practice social distancing and were less than 6 feet apart for longer than fifteen (15) minutes
- Staff and/or clients were not wearing proper PPE
- Staff and/or clients were exposed to a symptomatic and/or positive tested person within the past 48 hours.
The other common issue is about notification. Please be aware that we always protect personal health information of the individual, but also endeavor to communicate to employees when there is reason to. In the event an employee is absent we will tell others who need to know that the employee will be off work but not why. The following excerpt covers some specific communication for staff and clients.
Staff who have been exposed at work will be notified in person (or by phone if a live contact is not possible) and also will receive a documented notice in writing which will be placed in their employee file. Staff will be directed to get tested and follow the directions of their medical provider. Regardless of test results, exposed employees will not return to work for at least fourteen calendar days (10 days since testing positive AND 3 days of no fever without medication).
The reopening plan can always be found on The Depot. Under Resources, the COVID link will take you to all on this topic, including those with the latest version of the reopening plan. Please take a few minutes to look it over, and if you have any questions please contact your Supervisor or Director.